Snipets of the past few months:
Tylee is in LOVE with the park! She asks to go first thing in the morning and throughout the whole day. Her favorite is going with her cousins 'Tasen (Kasen) and Body (Brody)' I will soon post pictures of them. (They are on shannon's camera)
I finished reading the Hunger Games for the second time so that I could see the new first movie and one day decided to attempt doing my hair like Katniss. It was a fail, but my hair is getting VERY long so I thought I would document it. I finally went to the movie with some of my siblings, Brandon and Shannon, Brichard (Brooke and Rich) while the grandparents watched the kids. It was a blast!
Recently we have been watching American Idol in between school and family and jobs and little Tylee picked up some mad skills. Cute Amanda (my sister-in-law) was able to capture this awesome moment on film. I will tell you that Tylee truly is my life and joy. She is always doing new things that no one really taught her. Its amazing how fast kids can pick up on things. One thing that she says all the time now is "Shock-it (Chocolate) I yuv (love) you". It is so so funny. I don't even eat chocolate very much, I would rather have fruity candy so I think that this is HILARIOUS. And she always asks for 'canny'. We are in big trouble with this girl. She rules the house.

Tylee's new favorite animal is the birdy. Brandon was able to catch one in the garage after it flew in and she loved it. She didn't want to let the poor thing fly away.
One day we got to watch Brody while Kasen went to a class with his mom. Tylee didn't want to leave his side the whole time we had him. She loves Brody. She did keep asking "Where Kasen Go" though. She loves her two cousins so much and she can't wait for more.