
Friday, July 19, 2013

Snuggle Fest

Moving every summer is a lot of fun. We get to meet new people. Explore new areas. And most of all we get to rely on each other. This is probably my favorite part. I love living near family and being able to borrow things as needed, always have a babysitter on hand, and just being able to see family anytime we want. Moving away has its downfalls, all of that goes away. BUT, my husband and I have to rely on each other for everything. This is a great marriage strengthener. I know that our marriage has been greatly strengthened by these summer excursions.

And something else that I have loved is being able to get creative for date night. Obviously we don't have babysitters at the drop of a hat, and by the time we meet people and trust them enough to let them take care of our little one, its time to go home so we get creative. Date night is extremely important. So we try to find something every week to be able to do to give us some alone time as a couple.

This is our latest date night! Not much but it was so relaxing and it was a blast. 

While Brandon was slaving away in the hot sun, I got the surprise ready. I pulled out an extra twin mattress and all of the couch cushions. I got pillows and blankets. We don't have much here on our summer trips (We can only take what will fit in our cars, this includes everything you need to live so we are limited on supplies). So I pulled out some of the boxes we used to pack and stacked them up for a makeshift tv stand. 

I put all this out on our balcony that overlooks a pond area.
I snagged us a Redbox (The Host), and our favorite Ice Cream. I drug it all outside and set up the theater. 

I hung up a blanket to help keep the nasty Minnesota mosquitos at bay. And as you can see our t.v. this summer consists of our famous MAC computer that we love. 

When Brandon got home from work he hurried and showered and he took us girls out to dinner at a yummy mexican diner. When we got home I hurried and got Tylee ready and in bed. Now was the time to show him our little surprise. 

We dished some ice cream and went out on our balcony for a night under the stars. IT WAS so relaxing and such a blast and the best part about the night was HE LOVED IT!!!!! SUCCESS.

It was so relaxing and comfortable that we both fell asleep. It was awesome!! Such an easy and fun date night. 

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