
Friday, July 5, 2013

Blogging ....

It's been a while. A long while. I don't know what it is about blogging. I love it, yet I hardly ever do it. Life gets in the way. Since Baby Animal Days back in April a few things happen. Some may call them big, some may call them little. But I call it LIFE.

prior to MAY 2013:
My husband decided to sell for a new company this year. MSI. He is selling garbage contracts. If you are like me and have lived in Utah (or another state where trash is considered a utility bill and already added on to what you pay, you will think what in the heck is that?!) He signed on as a manager for this company and we couldn't be happier. We chose friends that we thought would rock and not to mention MARRIED!!! (yay! I won't be all alone all summer.)

A few of you readers may know some of the people who decided to join our family this summer. Branson & Susie Smith
Derick & Caitlin Cox
Blair & Tyler Munk
Shelby Warren
Blake Kelley
As you can see this is one of the most fun groups of people ever! We couldn't be any happier than to spend the entire summer in Colorado Springs. Life is grand.

So of course this decision made the annual "-pack-up-the-apartment-&-coerce-the-family-to-help-move" event. BY THE WAY THANKS EVERYONE WHO HELPED IN ANYWAY. WE KNOW YOU MIGHT BE SICK OF IT AND WE REALLY REALLY REALLY APPRECIATE THE HELP.

We moved out and Brandon packed up the car, leaving Tylee and I behind for the month of May. He headed out with his Avalon, Gary's truck and a borrowed trailer packed to the hilt with all of our belongings. The other couples were in the train in their cars and they began the trek to Colorado Springs.

The Bales' Family was heading off to St. George to have a weekend relaxing in the fun sun!!! :) Yay. We packed up the suitcases and hopped in the truck to head to St. George.

Here is a few photos from having fun in the sun:

We had a blast playing! Thanks mom and dad. We love you guys. 

While on vacation in St. George...

I got a phone call (well many phone calls, but one in particular) from Brandon saying that the apartments we were supposed to live in were apparently very ghetto and lots of druggies lived there. Not acceptable for families. Period. 
So after unpacking the furniture they repacked. Not going to lie, I didn't envy them one bit. That is a ton of work and a pain, especially when you have that big of a caravan. Well apparently the company they were supposed to be working didn't have an office or anything ready at all for these poor traveling salesmen. I will not point any fingers at this point, but I will say that NO ONE was happy. So after debating and talking over options Brandon decided to not call the quits yet and head to Plymouth, MN. WHAT?!
I'm now expected to travel with a two year old from Utah to Minnesota by myself. Call me crazy but I was not a happy camper. I was worried. Plus I wasn't happy with the company they were supposed to be working for because of the rough start. 
After coming to terms with the situation, I began making traveling decisions. Blair Munk (my good friend who stayed behind to finish up her job) would possibly to travel with me and help me in the long journey with my cute little Tylee. 

Well to make a long story short. MSI finally got the team settled in Plymouth MN. After another decision processing event my wonderful mother decided to make the journey with me. 

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